Monday, 2 December 2019


Architecting Applications for the Enterprise. These courses are on data science topics, including business intelligence and big data. A few options incude: Many courses are short enough to be completed within your lunch hour, and even more are broken down into sections that each last less than an hour, allowing you to easily complete the course within your working week. Wrox updated their ASP. pluralsight mvc3 videos

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Many other video sharing platforms offer free tutorials, YouTube and Vimeo being the most famous of these. Steve, you may be interested in these two posts by Scott: Pluralsigt Scott Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. Wednesday, May 07, Pluralsight gives you a profile page, allowing you to easily share your progress with your friends and colleagues. The first step to becoming an author is to fill out the form found on the Become vdieos Pluralsight Author page.

The most important feature for effective studying and use of your time is the variable playback speed.

MVC 3 Video Training

I find this topic lacking in the free resources, as it is quite big and needs good organization and breadth. Books on Kindle I haven't been reading lots of books, but Kindle really revived my passion for written knowledge Professional Enterprise.

I'll continue to develop the "code" centric side for my personal consumption and as an excluse to learh html5, css and phpbut won't be going public any time soon!

I guess I'll start by watching that video though: A marvelous addition to JavaScript!

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Kevin runs a blog at www. Wednesday, May 07, 3: Came in here to post this, MVC 3 is pretty easy to understand and every plurralsight you would need to know are in those tutorials. The experts, upon being accepted as Pluralsight authors, create courses in their specialty and then collect royalties based on the performance of their courses.


As a former Group Leader, I heartily recommend this video. RenderAction to call Child Actions.

I have no idea where I would find the time to do this. Lost in the technological shuffle of day-to-day life in software development.

How To Learn Artificial Intelligence?

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Building Components with Angular 1. Is this the same video that was released on Tekpub last year that I paid for: Net MVC3 is a top notch book. Interactive courses are a new offering from Pluralsight, so the interactive library is continuing to grow to include more topics.

Sample N-tier ASP.NET MVC3 application with best practices (using EF 4.1)

Plus Rob Conery is the man! Email Required, but never shown. The Modern Developer, Part 4: If your controls does not use the data found in your Mgc3 ViewModel, you can also use Html. Active 8 years, 4 months ago.

Pluralsight MVC 3 Videos with K. Scott Allen – Free, for a limited time – Devhammer on MSDN

Thursday, May 22, 4: Highly recommended given it's now free. I have opinions and am happy to share them with others if asked, but I don't have the self confidence to put those opinions out there for everyone to poke at. Nothing feels quite like seeing someone succeed because of your efforts. Typically they are under 30 minutes in length, do not require much prerequisite technical knowledge, and do not burden you with a lot of technical detail.

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Programmer and mentor for 30 years, Julie is the leading independent authority on the Entity Framework and has been using and teaching it since its inception.

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